Cultivating Your Legacy: Farm & Ranch Transition Planning Luncheon

On Saturday, March 15, 2025, Girard Area Community Foundation will host a luncheon featuring Ashlee Westerhold of K-State’s Office of Farm and Ranch Transition. The free event, presented in partnership with the Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas and offering a free lunch from Chicken Annie’s Girard, will be held in the Girard High School cafeteria starting at noon.

Here’s a preview of Ashlee’s presentation:

Farm Transition Planning: Protecting Your Legacy

You have built, sustained, and maintained a farming operation for your life, now what? Let’s talk about transition options for farms and ranches. If you have someone working alongside you, want someone to work alongside you, or looking to get out, let’s explore all options. We will discuss how to think through your goals and visions while addressing the opportunities and challenges that could come up. 

Please register so we have an idea how much lunch to order, but even if you don’t register, please join us for this amazing learning opportunity!

Special thanks to our sponsors, GNBank and Crawford County Farm Bureau, and to our speaker!

Featured speaker

Ashlee Westerhold

Director, K-State Office of Farm and Ranch Transition

Ashlee Westerhold earned a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and a Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Westerhold currently serves as the Director of the Office of Farm and Ranch Transition at Kansas State University. She assists Kansas farmers and ranchers in their decisions regarding transitioning the farm to the next generation. Westerhold meets with individual families to help facilitate discussions, determine options available and suitable for the transition, explore additional educational resources for the future generations, and correspond with professionals to provide the best service possible.

Ashlee manages the Kansas Land Link program, connecting farmers who do not have that next generation with land seekers who are looking at starting or expanding their farm operation.


Please register if you plan to attend the event so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone!