GACF’s First Match Day is November 28! [Update: Ended]

The Girard Area Community Foundation (GACF) invites you to participate in its first-ever Match Day on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. GACF has set aside $25,000 to match community gifts to six of the Foundation’s charitable funds. Each participating fund will receive a prorated match out of the match pool based on total donations received, up to 20% of the total match pool.

By donating to our funds on Match Day 2023, you will help support local communities and the organizations that serve them! Keep reading to learn more!

Match Day Basics

GACF is hosting Match Day on National Giving Tuesday, the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This year, Match Day is on November 28. Match Day is an exciting fundraising opportunity that will help grow GACF’s participating funds. Funds participating in Match Day are:

Girard Area Community Foundation General Endowment Fund

The GACF General Endowment produces annual income that is distributed through a competitive-grant process to local nonprofit organizations. Your gift to the General Endowment will increase the amount available for future granting.

Girard Medical Center Foundation Endowed Fund

The Girard Medical Center Foundation Endowed Fund produces annual income that is available to the Girard Medical Center for its unrestricted use to build or provide medical services and care in Southeast Kansas. Your gift to the Girard Medical Center Fund will increase the amount available to the Girard Medical Center in the future.

Girard Public Library Endowment Fund

The Girard Public Library Endowment Fund produces annual income that is available to the Girard Public Library for its unrestricted use. The Girard Public Library provides a professionally selected and well-organized collection of books and multimedia materials for the community’s residents. Your gift to the Girard Public Library Endowment will increase the amount available to the Library in the future.

Herman & Ailene and Terry & Marian Parsons Family Legacy Fund

The Herman & Ailene and Terry & Marian Parsons Family Legacy Fund produces annual income that is distributed through GACF’s competitive-grant process to local nonprofit organizations. Your gift to the Parsons Family Legacy Fund will honor the Parsons and increase the amount available for future granting.

Raymond Community Home Endowment

The Raymond Community Home Endowment produces annual income that supports the preservation of the Raymond Community Home and other historic properties in Girard. Your gift to the Raymond Community Home Endowment will increase the amount available for those purposes in the future.

United Methodist Church of Girard Endowed Fund

The United Methodist Church of Girard Endowed Fund produces annual income that supports the United Methodist Church of Girard, including its church-related activities, outreach, services, and overall mission. Your gift to the United Methodist Church of Girard Endowed Fund will increase the amount available to the Church in the future.

How We Calculate Match Amounts

Each participating fund is entitled to 100% of the community donations made to it (less processing fees charged by Stripe for online donations). In addition, each fund will receive a prorated match out of the $25,000 match pool that is proportionate to the fund’s share of all community donations on Match Day, subject to a 20% cap.

For example, if a fund receives 10% of community contributions on Match Day, it will also receive 10% of the match pool, which is $2,500. But if 25% of community contributions go to one fund, then that fund will receive 20% of the match pool, which is $5,000.

How You Can Give on Match Day

You can give on Match Day by:

  • Delivering your donation to GNBank in Girard on or before November 28. You can bring your contribution, along with a completed GACF Match Day donation form (downloads PDF), to GNBank North in Girard, 100 E. Forest.
  • Donate online. Starting on Monday, November 27, we’ll feature all the funds participating in Match Day on our donations page.
  • Mail a check with a postmark of no later than November 29. You can mail your check to GACF, P.O. Box 65, Girard, Kansas 66743. Be sure to include a completed GACF Match Day donation form (downloads PDF) so we know which funds you’d like your donation to benefit.

Please make checks payable to Girard Area Community Foundation. If you aren’t using a donation form (downloads PDF) with your check, please write the fund name(s) on the memo line.

Even More SEK Match Days!

We aren’t the only ones hosting Match Day on November 28! Our friends at the Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas, Columbus Area Community Foundation, and Fort Scott Area Community Foundation are each running their own Match Day fundraisers the same day! You can find links to all four SEK Match Day pages at